Friday, May 05, 2006

Blog or journal?...hmm...well, this is faster, although I'm not sure I feel like I can be as open. Oh, well. Yesterday was muy largo. I set my alarm for four, but because I was setting it at 11:30 PM, I forgot to change it from "alarm set" to "alarm on." I'm sure it was God being merciful that I woke up at 4:52 anyway. I had to rush, but I had been planning on getting up earlier than necessary, so I was able to make it in to Jory's (a 10-20 minute drive, but in torrential rain) at 5:40-something, just in time to carpool the rest of the way to Shepherd of the Hills Tower. A group of men from the community met there at 6:00 to pray for Stone and Taney Counties...About 6:30 we high-tailed it to the White House Theater, for a mayor's prayer breakfast, hosted by Branson's Christian BusinessMen's C-something. Once that was over, we headed back to Jory and Tess's house, where I built an organizer, then alternated between phone calls, e-mails and organizing the garage, into which we'll be moving everything from our storage units in a few days. Jorge helped after 2:00 PM. After finishing there, we went to the Salvation Army Church. I met with Cody for about twenty minutes before others from the Branson AIM Team arrived for our scheduled prayer meeting. After the meeting ended we practiced with the song-leading team for Sunday morning (our first real practice). After that, I fixed some things for the database in our office, showed Jenny how to make an automatic picture show with PowerPoint, checked on some other info I needed, then headed out, about 10:00. After I got back to the Gaar's house, I got some changes up to the website, took care of some more e-mail correspondence, tried (unsuccessfully) to call my parents, did a hit-and-run on the message board, and then crashed just before midnight. Boy did I sleep! Eight hours felt really good. Okay, now I'm ready for today!

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