Tuesday, May 09, 2006

So, I'm sorta just writing to be writing...I'm trying to get into a discipline. Today was rather long, but that meant I got some things done. I'm working on setting up a shirt order form using php and mysql...I suppose there are a lot of pre-made ways to do that, and never have to touch it, but that's all so proprietary - gives me the creeps. Now if I can just find a good open source WYSIWYG...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Man...canoeing cancelled due to very cold morning...right as I was about to walk out the door. Oh, well, I have some stuff I want to get done anyhow...maybe I can even fit in some reading!
It feels great to be alive, awake, up, and so on and so forth this morning! I only got four hours (almost to the dot) of sleep, which was kinda not smart of me, but I don't know if I could've slept if I hadn't got done what I did. I am leaving in a couple of minutes to go canoeing with a father and son who live just down the road, and boy am I looking forward to it! I need a little bit of outdoors-type stuff right now. Goodbye, fair keyboard!
Goodness...there are some days when that bit about the Spirit interceding for us with groanings which cannot be uttered seems very pertinent. Enter today. God is good, though, and I know He knows what I need before even I do. I have a lot to pray about...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Blog or journal?...hmm...well, this is faster, although I'm not sure I feel like I can be as open. Oh, well. Yesterday was muy largo. I set my alarm for four, but because I was setting it at 11:30 PM, I forgot to change it from "alarm set" to "alarm on." I'm sure it was God being merciful that I woke up at 4:52 anyway. I had to rush, but I had been planning on getting up earlier than necessary, so I was able to make it in to Jory's (a 10-20 minute drive, but in torrential rain) at 5:40-something, just in time to carpool the rest of the way to Shepherd of the Hills Tower. A group of men from the community met there at 6:00 to pray for Stone and Taney Counties...About 6:30 we high-tailed it to the White House Theater, for a mayor's prayer breakfast, hosted by Branson's Christian BusinessMen's C-something. Once that was over, we headed back to Jory and Tess's house, where I built an organizer, then alternated between phone calls, e-mails and organizing the garage, into which we'll be moving everything from our storage units in a few days. Jorge helped after 2:00 PM. After finishing there, we went to the Salvation Army Church. I met with Cody for about twenty minutes before others from the Branson AIM Team arrived for our scheduled prayer meeting. After the meeting ended we practiced with the song-leading team for Sunday morning (our first real practice). After that, I fixed some things for the database in our office, showed Jenny how to make an automatic picture show with PowerPoint, checked on some other info I needed, then headed out, about 10:00. After I got back to the Gaar's house, I got some changes up to the website, took care of some more e-mail correspondence, tried (unsuccessfully) to call my parents, did a hit-and-run on the message board, and then crashed just before midnight. Boy did I sleep! Eight hours felt really good. Okay, now I'm ready for today!